Saturday, February 28

So Why Would Anyone Take A Nazarite Vow?

Much conversation last night about the Nazarite Vow from Numbers chapter six.
But the thing we were struggling with is this:
why did God make provision for it?
Surely holiness is just holiness. Why should only some people - who seem to decide to do it of their own volition - take a special vow.
And if they do, why these three things? -
- don't cut your hair
- avoid dead bodies
- avoid even grapes, not just wine
It feels like there is more than meets the eye here.
Any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 24

We're Still Here!

Apologies to anyone who's been in the habit of dipping into this blog too see what we're up to. We've not posted for a couple of weeks but we're still here!

On Friday we continue to explore Numbers, which (as we said before) has more narrative than you probably thought...