Monday, November 26

Speaking of Angels

Do they really have wings ?
Are they men, women or cute chubby babies ?
Cherubim, seraphim, archangels, whats the difference ?
Do they watch over us ?
Do angels play harps and float on fluffy clouds ?

This week Simon is starting the Christmas story, which begins with a visit from one of these mysterious beings.

Monday, November 12

The end of the beginning

Derek will be leading the service this week to bring an end to our stories from Genesis.
As we reflect on the past few weeks of story telling and debate, what have we learned ?

For me, the Bible is the most amazing book ever. I know that's somewhat of an understatement. I have discovered new meanings, depth and 'wholeness', never before seen.
I have wondered if this is because I have fellow Christians to tell me what it means, people of greater intellect than me and I question whether it is possible to over analyse it.
So I pray that God will put us on the right track and give us the eyes and ears and words to study the Bible according to His will.

Monday, November 5

A prophetic connection ?

On Friday we began to discuss possible parallels between Joseph (son of Jacob) and Jesus.

Here's some more food for thought

Are these coincidences or a sign of things to come ?

This week we find out what happens when Joseph's brothers turn up in Egypt.