Tuesday, July 25


Do miracles really happen ?

Surely the miracles Jesus performed can now be explained by modern science ?

What do you think?

Tuesday, July 18

God Speaks - In Extraordinary Ways

God spoke to Moses through a burning bush Exodus 3:2-5
and He gave Balaam's donkey speech to get his attention Numbers 22:28

Has God spoken to you in unusual ways ?
Perhaps you have been visited by an angel delivering Gods message ?

Come on Friday to share your story.

Wednesday, July 12

Party !!

This Friday 14th July we are having a farewell party for the frontliners !

There will also be the opportunity to share your stories of God speaking in ordinary ways.

Please bring some food to share ....... Mmmm...I like anything with chocolate in it.

Tuesday, July 4

God Speaks - Through His People

The Bible tells of various ways in which God speaks to people, eg In Genesis it would appear God spoke face to face with Adam & Eve, then later through the Prophets, by the Incarnation as Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit.
In fact we believe that the Bible itself is Gods Word, thus God is speaking through its writers.

Have you experienced God speaking to you through someone else ?
Please tell us about it.

Perhaps God speaks through you !

Please come on Friday and share your story.