Monday, August 23

Paying Taxes to Caesar

This week we consider an odd little story about paying tax.
As usual we will be asking: How does it apply to us today?
Write your thoughts in the comments below!

Wednesday, August 18


The story told by Mark moves up another gear as Jesus' authority is questioned and he tells an extraordinary parable that summarises Israel's history and prophesies his death.


Come discuss.

Friday 8pm.

Usual venue

Friday, August 13

The Mystery of The Fig Tree

This post comes after the meeting for once. Tonight we discussed the incident where Jesus curses the fig tree, a story told either side of the "cleansing" of the temple.

We agreed that it was probably an enacted parable of judgement upon Israel.

Further research bears this out - read the prophetic text from Hosea 9

Sunday, August 1

Jimmy and Johnny - Too Big For Their Boots?

This week we learn how a couple of brothers - Jesus' best mates - had big ambitions.
Were they wrong to do that?
They certainly ended up as key people in Jesus' plans for his church.
Comments below or discuss in the pun at 8pm on Friday.