Wednesday, November 16

Christians shouldn't partner unbelievers

This coming Friday we are asking this question. What do you think. Should we partner unbelievers? We don't only mean marriage partners we are talking about business and beyond. Should we employ people who are not Christians if we are a Christian company? Should we buy from non Christian businesses?Come to think of it should we only give to Christian charities?


Anonymous said...

And what about tennis? :o)

Anonymous said...

Some good discussion was had it wasn't heated which would have heated the room up if it had been. We came out beleiving that there should be no favouritism about employing a Christian person, because the main thing is having someone who can do the job asked and the skills to do it. When it comes to marriage partners, again what does it matter as long as you have the opportunity to express your faith.

What it allows when you are a believing partner or a Christian Employer is that you can show by your example and hopefully this will plant the seed in the unbelievers heart and may see them in the end coming to Christ.

Should we only buy from Christians? Well that's a bit hard isn't it. We all buy our food from supermarkets who are probably not owned by Christians because there are not enough Christians around who own shops. Yet we all agreed to buy Fairtrade is the best way of showing our prefrences for produce.