His mother - who has become elevated to sinless perfection in (Catholic) religious thought - illustrated by Dereks opening joke !
Mary Magdalene - who by popular belief was a reformed prostitute however there is no evidence of this in the New Testament.
Mary of Bethany - sister of Martha (Luke 10:39,42 ; John 11:1-2,19,20,28,31-32,45 ; John12:3)
Also, what are your thoughts on the possibility of Jesus being married as perhaps suggested by the Gnostic Gospels.
Come on...... post your feedback / comments / two penneth !
I hadn't realised until last night that there's another important Mary... the mother of John Mark, writer of the third gospel.
Wny is Mary ( mother of John Mark )important to biblical criticism?
Does all this information make people believe that Jesus was more divine than human?
It's clear that women were important to Jesus and that he gave them status and value more than others did at that time (and more than the church has sometiems in history). Mary Magdaline and other women were the first witnesses to the resurection. C.S. Lewis probably recognised this and included it in his story. (although of course he wrote the stories for the children he knew, and as they were boys and girls....)
The problem with the Da Vinci code is that it cleverly suggests that this was some deliberate plot to cover up the "truth" that Jesus married Mary Magadaline. Which of course is not the case, as there was nothing to cover up.
John Mark's mother Mary is important only in that her son wrote a gospel!
~~ amusing to see the repeated ITV documentary tonight in which a Chtistian and two lapsed Catholics tried to "find the truth". Amazing how one of the later was desperate to believe Dan Brown more than all the experts he met along the way.
C.S Lewis again: when people stop believing in God they will believe anything.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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