After all the brainstorming of the last few weeks, Derek will be taking the lead this Friday and giving a short talk (he says not a sermon), more a reflection of where we have come from and where the church is now nationally and internationally with Fresh Expressions of Church.
Where does the Friday Service fit in to this ? and where are we going ?
This sounds interesting - please reserve me a seat!!
Yes it does. See you there!
Thankyou Derek for giving us the wider picture on the Fresh Expressions 'movement' (sorry don't like that word but couldn't think how else to describe it).
It was very useful to reflect on were we have come from and what mistakes have been made.Please remind me again of those 4 elements that are crucial to effective church planting : accountability, community? ...something about outward looking /growth? ?
Thanks Julie
There are five important elements:
1. Accoutablity
2. Avoid "consumer Christianity" - making discipleship a priority
3. Recognise that God is a missionary God so look what He is doing rather than having good ideas.
4. Prayer
5. People like you who are caring, enthusiastic and supportive.
Thanks Derek.
Did anyone see the Heaven and Earth show just now on BBC, they were looking at a Christian megachurches in the US. One featured had a shopping mall (Prestonwood). What did you think ? Is this consumer Christianity, a Fresh Expression or something else?
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