Monday, April 30


....and fellowship is what this Friday is about.
Fish and chips being the order of the evening.
Please join us at 7 for 7.30pm.
Ps Welcome back Derek !

Tuesday, April 17

Should we bother ?

Given that the earth is temporary and dying (2 Peter 3:10,12) and the curse of sin means that both man and creation groan with labour pains (Romans 8:22) ............ Should we or can we do anything to change things ?
Come on Friday to find out.

Tuesday, April 10

'God saw that it was good'

Does He still think so ?

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth............... He gave us dominion over it.......instructed us to multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.

This Friday we are starting a new theme looking at environmental issues and examining the Christian role of stewardship.
This week its film night and we will be watching 'An Inconvenient Truth'.
Do join us at 7 for 7.30pm.

Tuesday, April 3

Good Friday Night

This week its our Friday Night Easter service.

Please join us for food, live music, quiet contemplation and noisy celebration.
Let us worship Him and give Him praise. The King of Kings.