Monday, January 28

God's Justice?

Well, we didn't really get started on the plagues last week - first we had Moses boldly going to Pharaoh and then coming back deflated.. "Who is the Lord?" was Pharaoh's response.

So this week Simon will be telling us the familiar(?) story of the ten plagues. But as someone pointed out last week, is it fair that God punished all the Egyptians for one man's sin?

Thoughts please!

Thursday, January 24


These days if we use the word "plagued" it tends to be a reference to spam e-mails. But what happened in Egypt when Moses turned up was far more terrible. Why would God do that?

Add your thoughts by making a comment and/or come and discuss with us in the pub

Monday, January 7

What's in a name ?

This week the story of Moses continues. After being taken as a son by the Pharaoh's daughter, Moses commits murder and ends up running away .... then things really hot up when he meets 'I AM'

Join us this Friday for the next instalment.