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Monday, March 31
Where To Now?

Aftre the excitement of Easter we were (ineveitably) small in number last Friday.
We also discovered that although the music was quieter this week, there was a loud party due at 8.30 so we retired to the vicarage. (to use Rod's phrase...)
It made us think afresh about the best approach to Fridays and we came up with the thought: why not meet in church for the first half (story, news, prayer etc) and then move to the pub for informal feedback from the story - perhaps in smaller groups? It's what we did on Good Friday!
This is only an idea - it would be great to debate this on the blog (please don't be anonymous) and next Friday night. What do you think?
PS: Congrats to Nigel and Jo on the birth of baby Daniel!
Tuesday, March 25
The Passion : What Did You Think?

The Passion.. what did you think of the BBC version? And our version?
I suspect we were more true to the Biblical account!
There were some strange things in the BBC version, such as Jesus sharing the bread at the last supper but not the wine. Odd. But good to have it on the box and for millions to be reminded why we have Easter.
Meanwhile this Friday we're back in the pub - 7.30 for 8pm as usual.
But leave some comment below to let us know you popped in on the blog. Thanks!
Saturday, March 22
It Was Friday - But Sunday Was Coming

Great to see so many guests join us for our Good Friday re-telling of The Passion, especially in the foul weather! If you were one of those guests, please leave a message by commenting below.
Did everyone else notice how much all the people telling the story highlighted the many fulfilments of the Old Testament scriptures that occured during Jesus' passion? Totally unplanned (I mean the way that that aspect came out. I'm sure God planned it!)
In the pub afterwards someone asked why the Jews of today can't see that their Messiah has come. Any thoughts?
More about next Friday soon!
Sunday, March 16
The Passion... Retold

Don't miss the four-part BBC drama that begins tonight (Sunday).
But even if you can't see it, we are re-telling the story for anyone who wants to join us. The action begins with tea and coffee at 7.30pm in church (this is The Church of England...)
Then a group of the regular Friday Night gang will re-tell the story. After that, we retire to the pub to talk about what we have just heard.
For those involved, here's a reminder of who is doing what....
Palm Sunday - Simon
Cleansing the Temple - Derek
The Last Supper - Janette
Gethsemane - Rose
The Arrest - Rod
Peter's Denial - Cat
The Trial - Simon
The Crucifixion - Rod
The Burial - Cat
Mary at The Tomb - Rose
The Road To Emmaus - Simon
Thomas - Rose
Tea and Coffee - Helen, Dorothy and Sheila
(If you are a regular and missed out on a role... come and stand by in case we missed anything!)
Friday, March 7
The Passion : Telling The Story!

In a couple of weeks time, on Good Friday, we hope to retell the passion story. It will be the last night of a Holy Week of nightly events - see the church website for details.
On Good Friday evening we will meet at 7.30 for 8pm in church - coffee served on arrival etc. We will retell to Passion story - offers for slots have begun - from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. Afterwards the plan is to retire to the pub and have discussion about what we have heard.
More planning : next Friday (16th) in the pub as usual!
Tuesday, March 4
How Was It Back In Church?
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