Discipleship Course Week 2
How do we know what God is like?
As we've heard, He reveals Himself to us in creation, in Jesus and and in scripture.
But how do we understand it?
Are there any keys to help us grasp what God wants us to know and do?
Friday 24th in church 7.30 for 8pm
Meanwhile... any comments on week 1. What did you think of Bruce Almighty and more interestingly, Marc Driscoll? Did you agree with him?
Comments please!
1 comment:
Just what I am thinking about following Friday night;
God reveals himself in creation, in us too (His creation) and blessed (with weaknesses as well) how can we best use our whole selves as living sacrifices to glorify Him.
But we have a natural tendency to worship other things instead of God - why did God create us this way? Surely this weakness is not a blessing or is it ?
Marc Driscoll - God commands worship and obedience because not following His teaching puts others (not Him) first. God is a jealous God. When our hearts are divided we cannot fully offer ourselves in worship to Him.
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