Saturday, December 19
We're taking a break now and we restart on January 8th at 7.30 for 8pm in the usual place.
Meanwhile, here's a nice picture of the snow, viewed from the church hall.
Tip: Click on the picture for a larger version.
Saturday, December 12
Saturday, December 5
Christmas Carols in The Roebuck
Tuesday, November 24
Tuesday, November 17
Saturday, November 7
Sign of The Times?
Friday, October 16
Monday, October 12
Friday, October 9
Take A Letter...
So, after last week's background to the letter - Paul's journ
ey around Macedonia and his flight from trouble at Thessalomica, it;s time to begin.
We all write letters (or e-mails!) and there are conventions about the format. In Paul's day you began with your name and then the name of the person(s) you were writing too.
But of course it's what comes next that is different every time. What did Paul have to say to this young church?
Find out tonight. Add your comments or questions below.
We all write letters (or e-mails!) and there are conventions about the format. In Paul's day you began with your name and then the name of the person(s) you were writing too.
But of course it's what comes next that is different every time. What did Paul have to say to this young church?
Find out tonight. Add your comments or questions below.
Monday, September 28
Would You Believe It? It's The New Testament!

Well we finally decided that it was time to take a break from the Old Testament and look instead at the New.
But rather than do something obvious we thought we should look at parts that are less familiar. We also thought it good to try and follow the order in which the books were written (it's generally thought that the Gospels were written later than the letters). Most scholars think 1 Thessalonians was the first to be written, so that's where we begin - this Friday. Come and be part of a fresh start!
The picture is a "word cloud" of 1 Thessalonians. A word cloud is a computer generated image of the key words in a text. The more often a word occurs, the bigger it is. Fun, eh?
Note: I can't remember the source for this image so if it is yours, let me know and I will remove it or attribute it. Thanks!
Friday, September 25
The Two and Half Tribes and Israel/Palestine

As key world figures try once again to look at the Middle East "problem", this week we look at the area and ask about the significance of the land.
In Numbers 32 the tribes who were allocated the land East of the Jordan agreed they would help the rest of the tribes invade the land before they settled in their own land.
But can we take these stories as a prescription for the division of the same land today?
Comments please, and come with thoughts to the pub too!
Thursday, September 17
Normal Service Resumed : Vengeance on the Midianites!

Apologies for the lack of posts for a few weeks. Hopefully normal service is now resumed!
We also thought you'd like to see the new sign - if you always meet in the pub, you don't see the church!
(Note: the rest of the sign includes only our Sunday Services - this is how what we were advised by the Diocese to include.)
Meanwhile this Friday we are in Number 31 and the shocking story of vengeance on the Midianites.
Come and consider what it has to say to us today ... or comment below.
Monday, July 27
Talking Donkey????
..So there was this donkey, right? And it was talking to this guy....
There are some who would say we have to take everything in the Bible literally.
Others can't believe in anything vaguely supernatural.
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey is one of the strangest in scipture. Did a donkey really talk? Any why?
Comments here please, and come and discuss on Friday 7.30 for 8pm in the local here in Utley.
There are some who would say we have to take everything in the Bible literally.
Others can't believe in anything vaguely supernatural.
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey is one of the strangest in scipture. Did a donkey really talk? Any why?
Comments here please, and come and discuss on Friday 7.30 for 8pm in the local here in Utley.

Tuesday, July 14
Snakes on a Plain!
Friday, June 26
No Meeting Next Week - GO AND SEE THE TIGER!

It's at Victoria Hall, admission's free and it starts at 7.30pm. It's a great event for us to bring friends.
Tony will also be leading an evangelism training day on Saturday 4th July at 10am until 5pm, at the Airedale Church. Bring lunch - tea and coffee provided.
The day costs £10 but you get an excellent training manual (or Manuel, as it says in the church notice sheet!)
Tuesday, June 23
More of The Same? Why?
week we are in Numbers 18 and 19. It seems rather familiar, which to me begs the question....
... why does the Bible sometimes repeat stuff, sometimes in great detail, and sometimes what seems to be the more boring bits?
What's God trying to do?
Maybe you'd like to comment or discuss with us face-to-face?

... why does the Bible sometimes repeat stuff, sometimes in great detail, and sometimes what seems to be the more boring bits?
What's God trying to do?
Maybe you'd like to comment or discuss with us face-to-face?
Tuesday, June 16
Back to "Normal"

Back to the pub on Friday to consider the strange story of Aaron's rod.
We have had some strange stories over the last few months and yet often we have found application for our lives today. But this one might be a bit tough.
It's there in Numbers chapter 17 if you want to take a look. Please comment with your thoughts!
Sunday, June 7
Five In One!
Pay attention, now...
Just a reminder that there is no meeting on Friday. Instead we join will all our St Mark's friends for one service at 10am next Sunday, 14th June. It will be packed so come early.
See you there!
Just a reminder that there is no meeting on Friday. Instead we join will all our St Mark's friends for one service at 10am next Sunday, 14th June. It will be packed so come early.
See you there!
Monday, June 1
Three in One or One in Three?
Tuesday, May 26
Help Wanted!
ON Friday we'll continue with some priestly rebellion but in the meantime, does anyone from our regular gang want to respond to this:
Dear friend,
I am writing to you as someone who is, or has been, involved in leading a fresh expression of church. We are soon to produce a new expressions newspaper and re-launch our website and wondered if you could help us?
We want to gather stories of those individuals who have been affected by attending a fresh expression of church, perhaps by having their faith renewed or becoming a Christian or hearing God’s call on their life. If you know of someone could you, with permission, tell their story in around 75 words? It need not be dramatic! In fact ordinary stories well told can be very powerful. They would need to understand that we might use their story and photo on our website or in one of our publications and you would need parental permission if you were to submit a story of anyone under 16. A decent (hi-res if possible) head and shoulders photo of them would be good too. We are not looking for anything too detailed – just a quick retelling of their story to illustrate the range of people being impacted by fresh expressions. Do come back to me if I can clarify further, but if you can send us something please email to . Ideally we need them by the end of May, but do continue to send them after that if more ideas come your way.
Really hoping you can help us. Thank you
Dear friend,
I am writing to you as someone who is, or has been, involved in leading a fresh expression of church. We are soon to produce a new expressions newspaper and re-launch our website and wondered if you could help us?
We want to gather stories of those individuals who have been affected by attending a fresh expression of church, perhaps by having their faith renewed or becoming a Christian or hearing God’s call on their life. If you know of someone could you, with permission, tell their story in around 75 words? It need not be dramatic! In fact ordinary stories well told can be very powerful. They would need to understand that we might use their story and photo on our website or in one of our publications and you would need parental permission if you were to submit a story of anyone under 16. A decent (hi-res if possible) head and shoulders photo of them would be good too. We are not looking for anything too detailed – just a quick retelling of their story to illustrate the range of people being impacted by fresh expressions. Do come back to me if I can clarify further, but if you can send us something please email to . Ideally we need them by the end of May, but do continue to send them after that if more ideas come your way.
Really hoping you can help us. Thank you
Tuesday, May 12
This Week : Happy Birthday, Church!

In case you missed the e-mail...
Hi Folks,
Just to remind everyone that we are sharing a Pentecost meal at 7.30pm at the Buck.The subject for the evening is a group understanding of Pentecost -what do you know?
We suggest you try the Buck curry and experience tongues of fire - don't dwell too long on this joke please !
See you Friday,
Bob & Barbara
Hi Folks,
Just to remind everyone that we are sharing a Pentecost meal at 7.30pm at the Buck.The subject for the evening is a group understanding of Pentecost -what do you know?
We suggest you try the Buck curry and experience tongues of fire - don't dwell too long on this joke please !
See you Friday,
Bob & Barbara
Wednesday, May 6
Wednesday, April 22
Something To Consider...

Last Friday, we were few in number, but some significant things happened.
1. We turned our plans into something completely different so we could support someone in their needs.
2. New people turned up (at the end!) and challenged us in more ways than one:
- "How does anyone know you are here? Even the bar staff didn't know!"
- "What are you doing in the way of mission?"
3. Meanwhile, we had a very brief aside about the T-mobile Advert - the FlashMob dance in Liverpool Street station
See it here:
For an explanation of Flash Mobbing:
- we were wondering if Christians could do something like that although we felt that sometimes Christians copy stuff others have done and do it less well!
Well, some Christians have already tried...
Lots of comments please!
PS: I'm away for 3 Fridays now (sorry!). See you in May!
1. We turned our plans into something completely different so we could support someone in their needs.
2. New people turned up (at the end!) and challenged us in more ways than one:
- "How does anyone know you are here? Even the bar staff didn't know!"
- "What are you doing in the way of mission?"
3. Meanwhile, we had a very brief aside about the T-mobile Advert - the FlashMob dance in Liverpool Street station
See it here:
For an explanation of Flash Mobbing:
- we were wondering if Christians could do something like that although we felt that sometimes Christians copy stuff others have done and do it less well!
Well, some Christians have already tried...
Lots of comments please!
PS: I'm away for 3 Fridays now (sorry!). See you in May!
Tuesday, April 14
He Is Not Here...
Saturday, April 4
Lets Have A Good Friday

This week is Holy Week and there are services every night at St Mark's:
Monday 8pm-9 : Prayers for our church
Tuesday 7.30pm-9 : Ministry Team with private prayer or prayer for healing
Wednesday 7.30pm-9 : Open for private prayer with some guided prayer
Thursday 7.30pm-9 : Open for private prayer with communion at 8.30pm
Friday in The Pub : Join us for a meal at 7.30 prompt, with a retelling of the Easter Story and celebration of the Last Supper
Wednesday, April 1
Is It True?

Is it true that the world's most popular trousers are named after the most holy tribe in Israel. Does the book of Numbers have anything to tell us?
It certainly descibes the setting apart of the priests who would serve in the temple, and we'll be taking a look at what that means for us this Friday in the pub as usual.
We'll also be discovering whether this blog posting has any relation to the specific date on which it was posted....
Wednesday, March 18
History Repeats Itself
... well actually we do. This Friday - same place, same time and... same as last week!
Monday, March 9
What Would You Bring?

This coming Friday, the usual clients at our local pub will no doubt be talking about the recession, the cricket and the European football results.
Among them a group of us will discuss the offerings brought by each of the tribes of Israel when the Tabernacle was dedicated.
As you do...
What can this passage say to us today? What relevance can it possibly have to our lives in the 21st century?
Make comments here and come chat with us at 7.30 for 8pm in the Roebuck, Skipton Road.
Saturday, February 28
So Why Would Anyone Take A Nazarite Vow?

Much conversation last night about the Nazarite Vow from Numbers chapter six.
But the thing we were struggling with is this:
why did God make provision for it?
Surely holiness is just holiness. Why should only some people - who seem to decide to do it of their own volition - take a special vow.
And if they do, why these three things? -
- don't cut your hair
- avoid dead bodies
- avoid even grapes, not just wine
It feels like there is more than meets the eye here.
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, February 24
We're Still Here!
Thursday, January 29
Tuesday, January 27
Numbers - Not Exactly What It Says On The Tin
Friday, January 23
Back To The Pub...
Belated post just to tell anyone who needs to know that we are back in the pub tonight for what may be the final part of Leviticus. Hope to see you there!
Friday, January 16
Happy Birthday Julie!
Happy birthday to Julie who is && today!
We meet at her house at 8pm tonight and will still be thinking about Leviticus and the Atonement as planned!
Meanwhile, more on the "There's Probably No God" Campaign...
We meet at her house at 8pm tonight and will still be thinking about Leviticus and the Atonement as planned!
Meanwhile, more on the "There's Probably No God" Campaign...
Saturday, January 10
Thanks, Rod!
Back to the pub last night for an interesting overview of where we are (and where we have come from) in Leviticus.
For an extract of Rob Bell's teaching on "The Gods Arn't Angry":

We also talked about the Humanist Association's posters for London transport and liked Rod's suggestion of a similar poster saying "There's Probably No Bus"
There's a great moment at the very end of the video!
Meanwhile WE MAY CHANGE THE VENUE NEXT FRIDAY. Watch this space!
For an extract of Rob Bell's teaching on "The Gods Arn't Angry":

We also talked about the Humanist Association's posters for London transport and liked Rod's suggestion of a similar poster saying "There's Probably No Bus"
There's a great moment at the very end of the video!
Meanwhile WE MAY CHANGE THE VENUE NEXT FRIDAY. Watch this space!
Thursday, January 8
To Us A Child Is Born...!
News from Robert and Barbara...
"Eisaa born today 7th Jan 2009 16.53hrs at Halifax General. All well, he weighs 8lb 1oz and he is a very beautiful baby. Rachel is fine but knackered. Praise God for a safe delivery."
"Eisaa born today 7th Jan 2009 16.53hrs at Halifax General. All well, he weighs 8lb 1oz and he is a very beautiful baby. Rachel is fine but knackered. Praise God for a safe delivery."
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