Tuesday, May 26

Help Wanted!

ON Friday we'll continue with some priestly rebellion but in the meantime, does anyone from our regular gang want to respond to this:

Dear friend,

I am writing to you as someone who is, or has been, involved in leading a fresh expression of church. We are soon to produce a new expressions newspaper and re-launch our website and wondered if you could help us?

We want to gather stories of those individuals who have been affected by attending a fresh expression of church, perhaps by having their faith renewed or becoming a Christian or hearing God’s call on their life. If you know of someone could you, with permission, tell their story in around 75 words? It need not be dramatic! In fact ordinary stories well told can be very powerful. They would need to understand that we might use their story and photo on our website or in one of our publications and you would need parental permission if you were to submit a story of anyone under 16. A decent (hi-res if possible) head and shoulders photo of them would be good too. We are not looking for anything too detailed – just a quick retelling of their story to illustrate the range of people being impacted by fresh expressions. Do come back to me if I can clarify further, but if you can send us something please email to stories@freshexpressions.org.uk . Ideally we need them by the end of May, but do continue to send them after that if more ideas come your way.

Really hoping you can help us. Thank you



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