Here's the review of one writer at the Internet Movie Database:
"This movie is a revalation from start to finish"
It is number 182 in the best movies of all time (as voted for by thousands of IMDB members) ahead of Good Will Hunting, The Exorcist, Brief Encounter etc etc.
Here's a link to the trailer on YouTube:
(but I think it might spoil some surprises in the movie so beware!)
Thinking about the film, I wonder if it's about Easter rather than Christmas? ie, is the important message not the birth of the child, but the number of people (Julian, Theo, Marika, Michael Caine) who give their lives for the sake of Ki and the baby? Are they the Children of Men (Son of Man) of the title?
Interesting thought, Cat!
The title is reference to Psalm 90 verse 3
- "You turn men back to dust, saying, "Return to dust, O sons of men."
In it's context it is about the brevity of life.
In the book the story is quite different and has greater emphasis on some of the Christian symbols. A key character is Luke (an Anglican clergyman!) who does give is life so that the others live.
And of course in the book the baby is a boy and there is a Herod-like figure who maybe wants to kill him.
The director said he tried to make the parallels subtle - eg the statue of David foreshadowing the son of David.
It's my sort of film - one you can watch again and see new things!
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