Monday, March 27

P L A N S.......

So what next? This Friday is the last in the series on love. The week after that, we have nothing planned. So we're going to meet to plan! So come on the 30th with fresh ideas. We'll have a DVD about stuff that God's doing around the country to inspire us.

The correct date is the 7th April, not the 30th (which was a Thursday anyway!)


Anonymous said...

Do you mean Friday 31st or is there a plan to meet on Thursday ??

Anonymous said...

er... yeah, 31st

Anonymous said...

You said 30th thats all. Got my pregnant brain all confused (not difficult)

Anonymous said...

Actually it's me that's confused and I'm definately not pregnant.

On the 31st it's actually "God's Love" and the Friday Night session planning for the future is the following week on the 7th April.

As Homer would say.... "Doh!"