I spent a couple of hours looking for a good picture for this weeks post, but was getting nowhere, when I eventually realised that it might be worth asking God to help me, the next page that came up was this picture.
How true it is.
It made me laugh so I thought I'd share it.
Anyway this week we will be sharing our passions for the Friday service and hopefully Derek will continue to tell us more tales from his sabbatical.
I pray that God will guide and equip us for His purpose for our congregation.
Great posting.. great picture!
Hope to see all our regulars this week. Some big things to think about, I hope!
stmarks utley, stmarks utley, stmarks utley!!!
URGH a church. why did you have to be in a church?
Well that's interesting. Of course, "church" is really the people not the building, but we have grown in the western world to use "church" to mean the building too.
Some people consider that a problem and the fact we meet in a "special" building IS a problem in a way, because it suggests that "this is where God is" - which also suggests that He isn't anywhere else. Of course, God is everywhere and interested in everything.
So a building can be a problem. But if we can get past all this historical baggage, a group of Christians meeting together will often build or buy a building for their meetings.
On Sunday, all our congregations met in a school because our building isn't big enough. We were still the church!
On my sabbatical I came across churches (believers) who didn't have a church (building) and it was giving them problems.
It's a no-win situation!
I know the church is the people and that is why I am surprised that you are meeting in a church building for such a style of service.
Surely you would be better in a cafe or a community centre. If you are trying to reach the generations that won't step foot in a church building why are you in one?
Move, Move, Move
Are all the comments by anonymous by the same person?
Is that person from St Marks?
We'd love to know!
Why do you think some people don't want to set foot into a church building?
Is it the building, what we do, who we are or something else?
If we were to hold our meeting in a cafe, would we do it whilst unsuspecting customers ate their dinner or arrange it so that only those interested in coming to the meeting would be there?
Hi there,
I think it's the word "church" that puts people off,so many folk these days are stuck in the old fashioned thinking of "boring church" where you have to go in your Sunday best and sing hymns! If only people would try it out they would realize that church isn't about where and when it's about why!!!
people just need to get their heads around the fact that "church" isn't a great bid scary building full of old folk!!!!
Certainly Friday evening is not in my exxperience within the normal run of "church" whatever that may or may not mean to individuals. For the time being we are using a building which happens to be called a "church". I really prefer the word "church" to only mean the group of people but accept that others may mean it differently.
However food for thought: what is our prime motive in being together? Answer that then perhaps the location will become more obvious
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