Monday, May 21

More catching up...

...with Derek's tales from his sabbatical this Friday.

What are your thoughts on how other churches (like the ones Derek visited) operate?
Heres a link to a couple of websites.

Please keep praying for our church and let us share what God is saying.


Anonymous said...

I have looked through these sites and one thing that struck me was the community involvement.

The question on my mind is while the church at St Marks is involved in community how much is the Friday Service involved together as a group?

Anonymous said...

Last weel some one said that the group had thought through the aims and vision for theFridayService.

Would it be helpful for these to be posted in a prominent place?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget: we'll also be sharing in a simple communion service as part of tonight's meeting.

See you there!

Anonymous said...

Theres lots of discussion in the archive section of this blog about our direction and vision. Although this is obviously still up for discussion and debate.
I said at tonights meeting that it can be frustrating for me to 'stand still and reflect' and sometimes it feels as though we are going around in circles.
Heres an article about one of the books Dereks talked about which is interesting.

Anonymous said...


just seen this link which does not work for me - all I got was an offer to repair the link.....

Anonymous said...

The link worked for me.

Well spotted, Julie. Good article.

And thanks for the honest contrubution to the debate. I hope we can begin to get somewhere soon, though. As I said, everyone is discussing what it means to be church at the end of Christendom. In the end we will probably learn by doing...

Meantime, I'm truly grateful for the group who are exploring this with me each Friday. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi anon
Try the BIG link

Anonymous said...

Dont think thats going to work. It should have 'ay' at the end of the first line of the address (blogger has cut it off) as in stuart murray.