So next Friday ( 3rd Feb) we're going to be thinking about aliens. Do they exist? What does God think of them? What do YOU think?
"And if there's life on other planets
I'm sure that He must know,
And he's been there once already,
And died to save their souls."
- Larry Norman
By the way: one of the pictures above features George W Bush. Guess which one...
I missed this evening. How'd it go? Anyone want to post a comment with their thoughts?
I find it interesting that so many people have a fascination for and actually find comfort in believing there is 'something out there'. Of course for Christians we believe in God (out there and here too).Is this something intrinsic to human beings? a sort of knowing there is something out there, but missing the point that He is God.
I think "2001 A Space Odyssey" started the confusion - the idea that aliens had given humans that extra somehting that other animals don't have.
As we have said so often "there's a God shaped hole in each one of us" and we try to fill it with anything but God.
Someone else said: "When peopl stop believing in God, they don't stop believing - it's just that they will believe in ANYTHING!"
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