..... a Ferrari........ I think not.
What about you? Would you like one ?
Should Christians have such things ?
Jesus said ' Go and sell all you have and give your money to the poor' Matt 19:21
Was He talking about extravagances... or all things ?
What would He think about todays consumerist society ?
Is God happy with your choices of possession?
I would like to encourage everbody coming on Friday night to bring along their favourite posession ( if practical)and to also to talk about why it is
Ha ha... mines my washing machine ! sad I know...but very practical...I just lurve laundry.
Mine's my Neil Young CD collection - all 38 at the last count!
Mines my family, but I can't bring them to your place. We all wouldn't fit in. I guess if I had to have a second it would be my Bible, a real desert island disc item if I had to have one.
Has anyone got any feedback from friday night ?
Hi Julie..!
Yes we were few in number but Simon and Rose had planned a good meeting.
We had much discusion and watched some of Lord of The Rings - the bit where Bilbo hands some of his prized items to Frodo but shows that the desire for The Ring has possessed him.
We read a lot of stuff in the Bible about God's perspective, and it seems that the best approach is that in Paul's letter to Phillipians - ie be content in every situation with what you have - an open-handedness about possessions. We can't take them with us!
Store up treasures in heaven
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