Next Fridays meeting will be devoted to planning future meetings and the ways in which we can grow in number ( of course spiritual growth will be part of that plan too :) )
Come and share your ideas over a coffee and some biscuits.
If you haven't already..check out our earlier discussions.http://thefridayservice.blogspot.com/2006/09/what-now.html
I think more time to consider current events such as whats been happening on the news that day/week and consider Gods perspective,WWJD,pray etc.
A list of ideas for Friday.Going out - already suggested. External speaker local politicians on social issues Visiting groups of other Christians or we visit them. More films thought provoking. Advertising Fridays how to reach out or do we disband - controversial comment ! What is special to you about Friday service ? Understanding Islam Chatting to Muslims on a Friday evening - why are they so devout ?
Do we need to examine our core values... what are we trying to do?
Are we just about meeting together? What do we want to happen when we meet? Are there things that we would like to be happening at other times?
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