...but He has given us medicine and advances in treatment to ease pain... don't we then have a moral right to use these to stop suffering during death ?
Last Friday we started a series looking at Christian Ethics. Join us on the 8th as we think about God and the emotive subject of euthanasia.
If I want to die, I have the right to die in a way that I want to die. Don't I
Hi anon!
Your comment makes sense at first, then if you think about it...
1. We don't always know what's best for us
2. Sometimes others put pressure on us to do what we don't want - and that can include opting to die to take the pressure off relatives
3. At what point do we decide that death is a better alternative. There are many instances of miraculous recovery.
4. "No man is an island" - our decisions have implications for others (eg the doctor who has to help you die) and their emotional and moral views.
Sometimes as I go through the galaxy capturing those pesky rebels, they ask if they can be killed as they don't want to live anymore (hehehe..). Sometimes they try to take overdoses of the pills we give them to stop the suffering
So this voluntary euthenasia.. would that be ok?
..er... come again?
Didn't Jesus allow himself to be killed ? Isn't this suicide ?
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