Last week the story being retold was that of Esau & Jacob and it finished where Jacob is sent away to his uncle.
Amazing how despite the families weaknesses, lies and deception, God is there.
In this weeks story we continue with Jacobs story, his passion for one woman and his relationships with several.
What can we learn from this ?
What does the bible have to say about being married to the wrong person ?
Is there such a thing as being amrried to the "wrong" person. Is that just a romantic notion from fiction?
I think that as time goes on in marriage people change, so you may be initially married to the wrong person, but eventually change into the right person (or visa versa!)
Last week (?) Barbara quoted a Muslim who said "In the west you fall in love and then marry. We marry and then fall in love."
Our friends in the USA sent us a telegram (remember them?) on our wedding day: "Marriage not about marrying the one you love, it's loving the one you marry."
If the Bible can command us to love it implies real love does not depend on feelings....
so love them no matter what then
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