Do they really have wings ?
Are they men, women or cute chubby babies ?
Cherubim, seraphim, archangels, whats the difference ?
Do they watch over us ?
Do angels play harps and float on fluffy clouds ?
This week Simon is starting the Christmas story, which begins with a visit from one of these mysterious beings.
Why don't we see angels today? Are they really there or was it some figment of imagination 2000 years ago?
Who has heard an angel speak to them?
As discussed last night when the two apparently different genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 were mentioned I have checked up in some commentaries; it appears as I suggested that one was the line through Mary and the other through Joseph.
Matthew traces the line through Joseph after King David whereas Luke traces it through Mary (although it still says Joseph in Luke 3).
Also of note is that Luke, as if to emphasise the wider significance of the birth of Jesus to the whole of humanity takes it all the way back to Adam whereas Matthew stops short at Abraham.
We has an interested discussion on angels on Friday, thanks to Simon for leading. No-one from our congregation seems to have had an encounter with one, and we did wonder if ones situation has to be pretty dire before one comes along, or that you have to be a certain state to recognise them for what they are. We had all heard of stories from people (books,tv etc) who had claimed to have met angels, in modern times.
I have friends who are journalist that have had and heard of such encounters.
Annonymous needs to listen to thier heart a bit more to the mystery of it all and understand it a bit more .
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