Tuesday, September 19

Crime and Punishment

Continuing with the Ethics theme... this Friday its about Crime and Punishment.

As Christians how should we deal with matters of justice?

What is the difference between justice and revenge ?


Anonymous said...

..and what's the difference between justice and forgiveness.

Can you forgive someone who murdered your child... and if they are forgiven do you still jail them for life?

Anonymous said...

..and what about Gods wrath ?

Anonymous said...

But if they have committed a crime and it warrants a punishment, they should be punished relevant to that crime. Yes we can forgive, but if we leave it to go un punished does this not then allow them to go and commit another crime, this time it could even be far worse.
I do however beleive has Christians we have our part to play in helping not only the victim of the crime but the person who has committed the crime. Some would say they are victims too, victims of society and life.
Punish people but it must fit the crime and forgiveness should be offered as well as a way of re-abilitation.

Anonymous said...

Love and forgiveness are related to - but not the same as - justice.

We can forgive (attitude) but still send the murderer to prison.

In relation to God, sins are "forgiven" only in the sense that the price is always paid for them, but by Jesus Christ instead of the "forgiven" sinner. So there is always justice with God. We are not "let off" or sins. Someone has paid the price but it's not us. Isn't it amazing?