Fridayservice goers (and lurkers) .....we need to give some thought for the service content/themes for October-December.
Where is God leading us and how can we bring more people to join us ?
Please post your ideas here.
We don't have to stick to the same structure.... be creative......its your service.
I think we've become a bit predictable - not that we've done anything wrong but we need more variety.
And how do we grow? We seem to have settled at our present group but we could do with being at least twice as big.
Ideas anyone? :o)
I think we need to become more radical (in a good way of course!)and continue to tackle controversial issues.
What attracted me in the first place was the sense that it was new and exciting- something different each week
I think sometimes it is like a housegroup/ bible study and not enough worship. Why do people also need to go on Sun am?
I was attracted to its new approach eg using modern music, film,...perhaps we could extend this further by using other forms of media.
I also think its important to tackle controversial issues to examine and strengthen our faith.
This service gives a real opportunity for involvement/feedback from the 'congregation' perhaps more so than the other services. Perhaps this is why people go to both services... do we want our service to be a 'catch all' to meet all needs?
I would like to have more prayer time. Not just silent prayer like in 'Time for me and God' but the opportunity to say prayers out loud and perhaps share the ways in which God is speaking to one another during the service.
How about bringing Bible stories to life by acting them out like a play in a modern contempory way. Any budding actors out there ?
For further reflection around this topic...
How about trips away to other churches?
Have more going on at the same time.. like live music, somewhere to read etc
having it in the entrance of the shared church
more like a cafe....maybe serving food...(mmmm food)
What if we didn't prepare anything but just turned up and talked?
Rose that sounds bril! Live music, fantastic! During which you can chat over mugs of hot coffee. Yes, maybe have a different venue in town to attract more interest!Exciting!
I agree with a different venue. You sound too far out where you are you need to be where it is happening. Where the life is, don't wait for them to come to you go to them
I agree with a different venue. You sound too far out where you are you need to be where it is happening. Where the life is, don't wait for them to come to you go to them
I agree with a different venue. You sound too far out where you are you need to be where it is happening. Where the life is, don't wait for them to come to you go to them
I don't come to the service so maybe it's not for me to say but how about having one off events - "Friday night specials" & doing different events once every couple of months - maybe having a Christian stand up comedian etc and getting congregation to invite their friends. i.e. doing something accessible & fun which links new people into the Church.
Mmmm.. Christian stand-up commedian? Anyone know one?
Theres loads of them in America !
Can't find any in the UK though.
Although this lady comedian is a Christian, she might be a bit too famous for our church.
Well spotted, Julie!
I notice that Sally Phillips was a star of Smack The Pony. One of the writers was James Cary who is also a Christian.
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