There is no meeting this Friday (4th August).
Next week we begin a 4 week series looking at our favourite things, starting on 11th August with 'Your Favourite Movie'.
Whats your favourite and why ?
Can God speak to us through films ?
Bring along a dvd or video and share your thoughts.
While it's quiet...
Just wanted to say that you are very good at this, Julie, and I like your choice of pictures!
Thankyou Derek.
Do you have a favourite film ?
I like sooooo many. I really enjoyed the Truman show that was on the other night. The relationship between him and his creator was fascinating.
It depends on my mood. There are some films I love but don't especially want to see them again!
The best one's, though, can be watched repeatedly. My faves are:-
For a laugh it's "Wayne's World" or the follow up.
For "can't stop watching even though I've seen it hundreds of times" it's The Matrix.
For serious, thought provoking fil-making it's "The End of The Affair" - part of which we watched last Friday Night!
And the Truman Show's great too!
I have no explanation of why these are my favourite films but here they are anyway:
1- The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Greatest film of all time, gets better with every viewing
2- Apocalypse now
3- Saving Private Ryan
4- The Godfather (1,2 &3)
5- Unforgiven
6- The Wild Bunch
7- Dirty Harry (1,2 & 3)
8- 2001
9- Lord Of the Rings (Return of the..)
10- Star Wars
Planes Trains and Automobiles cracks me up each time. A really great feel good movie with the touching theme of human kindness.
Though I love a good action movie. I like nothing more than sitting down with a bottle of wine with my wife and watching a good tear jerker.
Are we only "allowed" to enjoy films that have some kind of moral or Christian significance?
Would Jesus enjoy all the extreme violence portrayed in the Matrix?
Have we become desensitised to violence, sex in films etc??
Do we enjoy war films because they bring out our violent side? Or do we like to see justice prevail ?
Is it OK to have violence in films as long as it is justified by the message? ie The Passion
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