Sunday, December 31

More Food

We meet again this Friday for Food n fellowship at the start of our next topic ...which is Grace.

Apparently it is mentioned some 170 times in the Bible. Some of us describe it as Gods unmerited favour...or a free gift .
What do you think ?

Wednesday, December 27


Don't forget that there is no Friday Service this Friday (29th) but normal service (note the clever pun using the different meanings of the word) will be resumed on the 5th January.

Saturday, December 16

Contemporary Christmas Celebration

Contemplate the Stations of the Nativity.

Celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

Worship, activities, live music ,food..............

Join us at 7pm Friday 22nd December.

Monday, December 11

The Nativity

After his not-very-sold out gig with Slow Patrol last week, Derek is back to lead this Friday 15th December.

With the release of the new film we will be looking at the way the Nativity has been represented in the movies.

Do they tell the true story ?

Sunday, December 3

Grub n Groove Party

We won't be meeting as usual this Friday 8th December, as our service coincides with a Grub N Groove party night organised by Su Jones ( St Marks Under Fives Leader ) at Keighley Rugby Club (Skipton Road) at 8pm til 11.30pm.
You can get a ticket from Su or contact St Marks office :
They cost £5 each.

The event is in aid of the Jo Jo Appeal in memory of Euan McKinley.

Live music by 'SLOWPATROL'........... yes thats right SLOWPATROL.

Saturday, November 25

Food n Fellowship

Jesus often shared food with His friends and He did amazing things with a few fish and some loaves of bread (Matt 14:13-21, Matt 15:32-38)

So.....this Friday we are having a Food n Fellowship night.

Bring some friends and someone will pop down to the chippy !

Monday, November 20

Where To Now ?

After all the brainstorming of the last few weeks, Derek will be taking the lead this Friday and giving a short talk (he says not a sermon), more a reflection of where we have come from and where the church is now nationally and internationally with Fresh Expressions of Church.

Where does the Friday Service fit in to this ? and where are we going ?

Saturday, November 11


I think we are getting there.
Here are some of the thoughts from last nights meeting (10th) , sorry if I've missed anything...please add anything I've forgotten.

We watched a DVD about Hope08
This inspired some of us that action and serving others needs to be part of our service - we need to be seen in order to get the Gospel heard.
We discussed volunteering in our own community, perhaps as part of already established organisations, ideas on how evangelism can take place and the difficulties and restrictions we may face.
We should encourage one another - do we need to be accountable ?
We need to be relevant, deal with local isues and national concerns through understanding, prayer and action. Perhaps expand the 'sharing time' to do this and if an issue is pressing then have the freedom to abandon the planned theme and give the issue attention.
A planned structure as Fiona previously suggested was acknowledged as a good way forward, with themes and methods of presentation open to variation ( mid week planning meetings required - who is available & when ? )
Still want sermons now and then as teaching is crucial to our meetings, as is regular communion.
Rose suggested a 4 point mission which we agreed summed up our focus : to serve, encourage, teach and share communion.

Also would like more information on whats going on at St Marks, locally and the church worldwide - We need to STAY relevant and in touch.
We need to advertise ourselves more - including this blog and we discussed how to develop this further.

Finally we want someone ie Derek to have the final say on our direction and purpose. Leader please lead us !

Tuesday, November 7

Friday 10th November

Although Derek is away this week we will still be meeting to continue our discussions about our future.

We are still looking for a mission statement :0)......... feel free to put your ideas on here.

Tuesday, October 31

8 weeks to go....

..until our Christmas service..Yikes.

Friday December 22nd is going to be our Christmas celebration and I encourage you to bring all your friends and family.

In order to make this a truly wonderful occasion we will be devoting this Fridays meeting to planning this event.

See you there.

Monday, October 30

Worth Watching...

Just a note to all our regulars and readers...

Tonight (Monday 30th) the BBC is showing "Man Dancin'" at 11.46. This is an great film to stay up for or record. I won't say much more except that there's quite a bit of violence and bad language so it won't suit everyone!


Wednesday, October 18

Normal service .....

... resumes this Friday (20th) after our week off, with a meeting at 7pm for 7.30pm.

We are continuing the discussions about our direction, so come armed with more thoughts and ideas !

Saturday, October 7

Our Vision

Thinking about the ideas we shared on Friday, we need to produce a Vision (Mission) Statement.
It should express the reason for our church and define the focus for what we are and what we do.

Please post your ideas here and maybe later we'll have a vote on the best one.

Saturday, September 30

Moving Forward.....

Next Fridays meeting will be devoted to planning future meetings and the ways in which we can grow in number ( of course spiritual growth will be part of that plan too :) )

Come and share your ideas over a coffee and some biscuits.

If you haven't already..check out our earlier discussions.

Tuesday, September 26

Tuesday, September 19

Crime and Punishment

Continuing with the Ethics theme... this Friday its about Crime and Punishment.

As Christians how should we deal with matters of justice?

What is the difference between justice and revenge ?

Tuesday, September 12

What now ?

Fridayservice goers (and lurkers) .....we need to give some thought for the service content/themes for October-December.

Where is God leading us and how can we bring more people to join us ?

Please post your ideas here.

We don't have to stick to the same structure.... be creative......its your service.

Monday, September 11

A Good Birth

I can decide if and when I have a baby...can't I ?

It' s a womens choice...her body...isn't it ?

God told Adam & Eve to multiply..thats his will, right ?

What does He think about IVF ?

Monday, September 4

A Good Death

Only God can decide when we die... can't he ?

...but He has given us medicine and advances in treatment to ease pain... don't we then have a moral right to use these to stop suffering during death ?

Last Friday we started a series looking at Christian Ethics. Join us on the 8th as we think about God and the emotive subject of euthanasia.

Tuesday, August 29

Right and Wrong ....

.....who decides ?

What is morality and where does it come from ?

How should Christians make decisions and how do we know if we've made the right choice?

On Friday we'll be looking at this topic as well as sharing communion.

Please come.

Tuesday, August 22

My Favourite ..... Person

This Friday we will be talking about our favourite people.

Please bring along any books/videos/dvds to share.

Why is this person/people so important to you ?

Tuesday, August 15

My Favourite ........ Possession

..... a Ferrari........ I think not.

What about you? Would you like one ?
Should Christians have such things ?

Jesus said ' Go and sell all you have and give your money to the poor' Matt 19:21
Was He talking about extravagances... or all things ?

What would He think about todays consumerist society ?
Is God happy with your choices of possession?

Tuesday, August 1

At the Movies

There is no meeting this Friday (4th August).

Next week we begin a 4 week series looking at our favourite things, starting on 11th August with 'Your Favourite Movie'.

Whats your favourite and why ?

Can God speak to us through films ?

Bring along a dvd or video and share your thoughts.

Tuesday, July 25


Do miracles really happen ?

Surely the miracles Jesus performed can now be explained by modern science ?

What do you think?

Tuesday, July 18

God Speaks - In Extraordinary Ways

God spoke to Moses through a burning bush Exodus 3:2-5
and He gave Balaam's donkey speech to get his attention Numbers 22:28

Has God spoken to you in unusual ways ?
Perhaps you have been visited by an angel delivering Gods message ?

Come on Friday to share your story.

Wednesday, July 12

Party !!

This Friday 14th July we are having a farewell party for the frontliners !

There will also be the opportunity to share your stories of God speaking in ordinary ways.

Please bring some food to share ....... Mmmm...I like anything with chocolate in it.

Tuesday, July 4

God Speaks - Through His People

The Bible tells of various ways in which God speaks to people, eg In Genesis it would appear God spoke face to face with Adam & Eve, then later through the Prophets, by the Incarnation as Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit.
In fact we believe that the Bible itself is Gods Word, thus God is speaking through its writers.

Have you experienced God speaking to you through someone else ?
Please tell us about it.

Perhaps God speaks through you !

Please come on Friday and share your story.

Tuesday, June 27

God Speaks - The Holy Spirit

This Friday we begin a 4 week series called ' God Speaks ' in which we will be looking at the different ways in which God may speak to us.

This week we are looking at the Holy Spirit.

Has God spoken to you ? If so, how ?

Monday, June 19

Leading Ladies

On Friday 23rd June the theme is ' Women Bishops?'

Women are welcomed and ordained into leadership within the Church of England ..... what do you think about this ?

What about what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 ?

Sunday, June 18

Bible Genealogy

Please post your thoughts here if you went to Fridays meeting about Bible Genealogy.

As I missed it, Derek kindly sent me an email saying it was a good night and this strange picture of Bob with hair !


Tuesday, June 13

Ancestor Worship

Is it important to you to know who your ancestors were ?
Does the geneology presented in the Bible really matter ?

2 timothy 3:16 ' All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living' (Good News Edition)

So, it is important ... but what can we learn from it ?

Come and explore this on Friday 16th June 7 for 7.30pm.

Monday, June 12

Feedback from Friday

On Friday we had discussions around the fact that football ( and other sport in general ) had many similarities to Christianity.
Thankyou Simon & Rose for an interesting evening ...... I especially enjoyed the quiz linking 'Church' and 'Football' terminology.

However we concluded that it cannot offer the satisfaction and joy we are promised of eternal and everlasting life through our Lord Jesus.

So Rejoice... Give Thanks and Praise .... and don't be be afraid to shout from the terraces.

....and lets pray for the England team this World Cup.

Sunday, June 4

Take This Cup ....

Like it or loathe it the World Cup starts this Friday and so our meeting will be themed around the 'beautiful game' .

Some hail football as the New Religion and the iconic status of players like David Beckham akin to that of Jesus Christ.

' Being a football fan goes some way towards meeting the need all humans have for belonging and communal identity '
' Hope lies in next weeks fixture'

Do these statements present a challenge to Christianity ?

What would Jesus think of the World Cup ?

Football...... its just a game... or is it ?

Thursday, June 1

G e o r g e H a r r y

George Harry is Julie's new baby! Born last Friday and his biased mum thinks he's lovely.

Julie is now in charge of this blog... but Derek wrote this entry, for obvious reasons!

Wednesday, May 31

Friday 2nd June

There is NO Friday Service this week.

Join us instead at Victoria Hall for the ' On The Move Celebration'
7 for 7.30pm.

Saturday, May 27

Marys Revealed.......

Last nights meeting focused on the 3 main Marys in Jesus' life :

His mother - who has become elevated to sinless perfection in (Catholic) religious thought - illustrated by Dereks opening joke !
Mary Magdalene - who by popular belief was a reformed prostitute however there is no evidence of this in the New Testament.
Mary of Bethany - sister of Martha (Luke 10:39,42 ; John 11:1-2,19,20,28,31-32,45 ; John12:3)

Also, what are your thoughts on the possibility of Jesus being married as perhaps suggested by the Gnostic Gospels.

Come on...... post your feedback / comments / two penneth !

Sunday, May 21

Trade in the lies for the Truth........

A local Gospel artist is giving away free copies of his brand new album in exchange for your copy of The Da Vinci Code.

Stuart Menzies Farrant says ' You've read about the fictional Jesus in The Da Vinci Code - now listen to the truth about the Son of God through my music '.

Check out this link for further information :

Saturday, May 20

The Marys Jesus Loved

This Friday 26th May is part 2 of our special fortnight exploring the facts behind the fiction as presented in Dan Browns 'Da Vinci Code'.

Who were the Marys that Jesus loved ?

The book and film claim that Jesus had a special relationship with Mary Magdalene.

Who was she...... a sinner, a prostitute, a disciple, a lover of Jesus ? What do you think?

Wednesday, May 17

Check the press....

A press release has gone out for our meetings about the Da Vinci Code. The local Telegraph and Argus has already done a telephone interview. When your friends notice it... invite them!

PS: Hope everyone bought The Independent on Tuesday. The guest editor was Bono and he used the opportunity to hightlight the situation in Africa.

(Hint: click on the image to get a bigger version so you can read the small text - then look up the Bible reference. Can anyone de-code the other stuff?)

Wednesday, May 10

Breaking The Da Vinci Code

We have two metings coming up - on the 19th and 26th of May, to tie-in with the release of The Da Fiction Code in UK cinemas.

Regular Friday Nighters will remember us dismembering the book with help from the C4 documentary but the film will give the half-truths in the book new public opportunities. If anyone you meet talks about the book or film, bring them along.

We're not interested in banning the book or burning Dan Brown at the stake. Just getting the real truths out.

Saturday, April 29


Next Friday's meeting will focus on the work of Novi Most International.

Novi Most is a Christian charity working in Bosnia to bring hope and change to young people who have been affected by the conflicts there.


Sunday, April 23

R E J O I C E ?

St Paul told us to rejoice. In fact he repeated himself so we would know he meant it. This from a chap who had a pretty rough time, all in all.

James told us to count it "pure joy" when we face difficult trials. Did he really mean it?

This weekend (28th- 30th April) is our thanksgiving weekend. It makes sense to thank God for the good stuff (health, happiness, winning an F.A. Cup semi-final) but should we thank Him for the not-so-good things?


Saturday, April 15

T H E R E A L I T Y O F D E A T H - A N D B E Y O N D

Writing to the Corinthians, Paul says the church is Christ's body and.. "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it."

So we are hurting for one of our members who lost her brother in a tragic death this week. Our prayers are with her.

So it seems strange but appropriate to be thinking this week of the One who's body we are, and His triumph over death.

Monday, April 10


This week our Friday Service is part of a whole week of prayer for Holy Week (that's three times I've used the word "week" in one sentence).

So there may be more of us than usual. But we won't be singing. And there won't be a sermon.

But many people will be working that day. Bank Holiday will be Monday. Is that right? What do you think?

Tuesday, April 4

Getting it all in order

So, as previously advertised, this Friday is a planning service! We have lots of ideas but more are welcome. I've spoken with Simon and Rose, and Julie has e-mailed some great thoughts. New boy Rich has sent a whole host of thoughts. So we gather to plan the next quarter and to see who would like to be involved in planning and leading each service.

Feel free to send ideas here too. You can post anonymously too!

Saturday, April 1

Reflections on God's love

After much discussion and without specifically reading this passage we came to the conclusion...
"I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Monday, March 27

P L A N S.......

So what next? This Friday is the last in the series on love. The week after that, we have nothing planned. So we're going to meet to plan! So come on the 30th with fresh ideas. We'll have a DVD about stuff that God's doing around the country to inspire us.

The correct date is the 7th April, not the 30th (which was a Thursday anyway!)

Friday, March 24

G O D ' S L O V E

... is next the theme for next Friday (31st March).

How does it differ from human love? Can we ever hope to have a love like God's?

Read 1 Corinthians 13 (we vicars hear it a lot at weddings and funerals). Is that achievable for us mere humans?

Comment by clicking below. You can post anonymously but it would be good to know who you are. A first name would be enough

A f a m i l y i s . . . . .

...a group of people who play "beetle" together!

- well that's what we did this week at The Friday Service. We also thought briefly about families in the Bible, but finally left with the simple thought: don't let the sun go down on your anger.

Monday, March 20

F a m i l y L o v e this week's theme.

What's the definition of a family?
- a group of relatives who share a home?
- a group of relatives who share a kitchen?
- a group of relatives who share a television?
- a group of relatives who share a microwave?
- a group of ralatives who share an internet account?

Opinions please....

Saturday, March 11

S e x u a l L o v e

Next up (on the17th March) in the series about love.... sexual love. No need to sell this topic but some questions arise. Comments please...

Is sexual intercourse God's idea?

What are the limits?

Is the Bible really coy about the subject?

What's the retationship between eros and agape? (Greek scholars please help)

Did Jesus ever have sexual thoughts?

If Jesus taught (and He did) that lust is a sin just like adultery, when does admiration for a nude body (photo, sculpture, painting) become sinful?

Some people say a marriage that is not consumated is not a real marriage. Are they right?

St Paul said in 1 Corinthians that "because there is so much immorality" those who can't control their passions should marry. What of those who can't find a partner?

He also said that we should make love regularly for similar reasons, only stopping by mutual agreement to pray but even then coming back together soon. What thoughts does this prompt?

Emerging Church Conference

This week I had a good few days away at "Mission 21" a conference about "Emerging Church" and church planting. Lots of inspiration and ideas. I could do with another week to sift through my thoughts! Worship from Roy Searle and Northumbria Community - with lots of liturgy! Teaching from Gerald Coates, Graham Cray, Martin Robinson, Sandy Millar etc. Not bad for 3 days!

Good to meet up with our blog contributor "Phil" - his real name! - from Durham. He'll be with us on 7th April.

Good to hear so many stories of "emergent" congregations around the country, and the encouragement that many of them are small like us, not quite sure where they're going like us and experimental like us.

Good to hear Cameron Roxbourough's warnings about some of the dangers too - more on that another time.

(Photo nicked from Mark Berry - )
